The One Winter Travel Accessory You Always Need to Pack

Winter brings its own pair of packaging challenges and cold weather. Carry-ons that seemed in summertime are bursting at the seams. You also don’t wish to overlook the essentials, although the bulkiness of winter clothes means you want to pack strategically.

 The Winter Travel Accessory You Need to Always Pack

We asked some of the best-dressed travel experts we all know to give us the scoop on the one winter travel accessory that they will not leave home without.

Ear Muffs

(Photo: Amazon)

SmarterTravel Editor Jamie Ditaranto insists that older school is the ideal school in regards to summer travel accessories. “In the winter, I always travel with ear muffs. On the airplane, they keep me warm and cancel out the ambient noise while I sleep, and once I arrive in a chilly destination, I am always happy to own them.”

A Scarf

(Photo: Amazon)

The ever-fashionable Kai Lawson, aka Pasadena Travel Girl, swears with a chunky scarf on her winter excursions to colder climes: “A thick and chunky texture provides you a snug feeling. It also has many uses such as keeping you warm on a flight whilst appearing effortlessly hip.”

SmarterTravel editor Shannon McMahon minutes the scarf as an essential winter journey accessory: “it is a blanket. It’s a cool accessory. It can wipe up hot tea if someone spills on you mid-flight.” That part? True story.

Fingerless Gloves

Kit Bernardi of all is a freelance travel journalist and photographer who always packs her fingerless gloves with mitten flaps for extra heat: “I do not need to eliminate them to take photos, write or work in my phone. Practical and stylish, the gloves include a fun pattern and pinch of color to winter outerwear.”


(Photo: Amazon)

Nobody says a winter travel accessory has to be fashion-related. SmarterTravel Senior Editor Patricia Magaña consistently packs travel-sized tissues/wipes in winter “I always travel with wet tissues like this all-natural alternative. A wet tissue extends the space by dividing everything to tray tables to spills.” And you have a tissue on hand so it is really a fashion win after all.

A Solar Charger

(Photo: Amazon)

The Michael Sadowski of Intrepid Group insists that the very best travel accessory is a power accessory, and never leaves home. “My winter travel is usually about embracing the chilly head-on. Intrepid Travel’s Expedition series recently brought me where my phone battery would be unpredictable at best. Solar electricity isn’t just better for the environment but also a essential accessory for remaining connected in the most extreme climates.”

Warm Socks

(Photo: Amazon)

SmarterTravel Sarah Schlichter understands that a winter excursion is fun if you’re not cold the entire time. “I get cold easily, so that I don’t leave home in the winter months with no a couple pairs of comfy socks. I like practical wool socks for hiking (such as these antimicrobial ones), but at the evening in the hotel I would go with much more entertaining, colorful options.”